Coin Operated is an animated short film, available on YouTube. In five minutes, it illustrates a 70-year life journey of a man. It starts with a kid’s naïve attempt to reach stars through a coin operated toy ship. Sadly, the end of the film depicts the same kid who is now an old man, still yearning to achieve his dreams.
It doesn’t make sense for a kid to make money for a ride in a toy ship, which was evidently underwhelming in the first try. Therefore, his toiling at a small venture for the most of his life appears to be symbolic of the hardships invested into saving each penny for a life goal of taking a round around the moon. Although an imagery of making lemonade does imply hopefulness, as the saying goes — if life gives you lemons and so on. But how much of a lemonade can one make?
When do childhood dreams become ambitions? If you ask five-year-old children about their aspirations, I am sure, the answer will alternate every month if not every week. And the choice of an ambition for kids depends on the latest influence, which can eventuate from a game they enjoyed playing; last movie they watched; or something else that spiked their interest. The point is in most cases if today it’s a doctor, tomorrow it will be a musician, and a day after tomorrow it may be an astronaut.
Having said that, it is also true that several kids stick to their yen. Some become achievers, whereas others fall through even after putting in the hard work.
However, heart-breaking, yet it is a fact that some dreams never come true.
If you end up watching this short film, do leave a response. I would love to read your take on it.